NEW LOCATION - Il Bordello Restaurant, Metropolitan Wharf, 70 Wapping Wall, Wapping, London, E1W 3SS

Get in touch

make a reservation Request

Email reservation request.

Email your request to

Please include your name, contact number, date & time you’d like to book and the size of your party. Once your email has been received, one of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please check your Spam/Junk folder if you are waiting on a reply.

For same day bookings, bookings over 10 people or special days (Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day etc. Please call the restaurant directly.

Tables 10 or over require a deposit of £10 per person

Table deposits are non refundable on cancellations within 48 hours on parties over 10

Phone reservation.

Call us on 020 7481 9950

Opening Hours.

Monday 18.00-22.30
Tuesday 12.00-15.00 and 18.00-22.30
Wednesday 12.00-15.00 and 18.00-22.30
Thursday. 12-15.00 and 18.00-23.00
Friday 12-15.00 and 18.00-23.00
Saturday 13.00-23.00
Sunday 13.00-22.00


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